Saturday, July 14, 2012

Happy Reunitation Day!

Once upon a time two girls met at a camp in the mountains.

These two girls became great friends, so one of the girls called her sister and their roommate and told them to come meet her new friend.

So they did.

And they immediately loved each other. 

Over time they did many fun things together. 

They built some elephants and turtles.

They played poker and had faces.

They dressed up and surprised their mom at work.

They went to midnight premieres....

...and sometimes made t-shirts.

They played games.

 They went to Atlanta....

 ...and ate really good cake.

Admitably, they liked Twilight for a little while.

They went on a few road trips:
and ate lots of Tex-Mex..

 and made some very funny videos not to be seen by public eyes.

 They, perhaps, got pulled over once... 

...and definitely had some crazy hair styles.

 They made predictions in Aliceville.

They did the Newton Shuffle in Newton, MS.

     They did not break into a zoo in Jackson.                   They ended up in East Texas more than once.

 Once, when they went to Texas, they took with them a monkey (they had a monkey, oh they had a monkey).

 They had a monkey and they called him Mr. Orson Brawl.

 They gave him a new home because Mr. Orson Brawl, he loves Rock 'n Roll.

 While in Texas, they met an author....

...and a band...
 (a couple of times).

In Atlanta, became friends with these girls...

and they saw lots of people in costumes. 

Even though these girls lived far apart they still loved each other and got together as often as they could. When they were together, fun and crazy things happened. Over time they made many fun memories and have learned that you never what's going to happen when there's a reunitation.

Happy Reunitation Day!