Sunday, July 7, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

Whew! April, May and June flew by! We have not had a weekend in Huntsville, together, since April. In fact, if I'm not mistaken the only month that we have been in Huntsville more weekends than we've been away is April. We are so relieved we don't have to be anywhere until the end of the month!

While being gone every weekend is exhausting, we are very thankful for both sets of parents who have let us crash at their houses on wedding weekends. We are also very thankful that our church has an app that allows you to listen to each week's sermon and that our Missional Community group (small group) meets on Mondays and not during the weekend. It has been great getting to know fellow believers that live in our area of Huntsville and having something to keep us grounded here while we've been so busy.

So we're finally home. The laundry is done. The dishes are done. The apartment is clean and we are currently in our seventh month of marriage.

Here are some pictures from our first six months of marriage! I can't believe it's been six months. God has been so good to us!

First Usborne Book Party

Dad's retirement from the Army

Sterling and AE's Superhero/Princess Birthday Party

David's 24th complete with Bauer approved decorations

David's Surprise Party

This is random but I discovered that I love baking.

Sterling's Huntsville Visit

She Must and Shall Go Free concert at Summit Crossing

 AE's Huntsville trip to Disney on Ice to see the Princesses

James Spann at Dave's conference

Game Night with friends

It's been busy but we've had a lot of fun these past several months!

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