Monday, May 28, 2012

How Do You Choose a Movie?

Tonight Tori, Meghan and I decided to watch a movie. Sounds like a nice relaxing night, right? Well, not so much at 116. We have a process for choosing movies. It may get a little crazy but bear with me. On rare occasion we'll all three immediately agree on a movie or at least fall back on a Harry Potter or two. Tonight we were not so lucky.

Tori really wanted to watch Percy Jackson, but neither Meghan nor I wanted to. If you've read the book and seen the movie you understand. So we began the process. 

First Meghan and Tori picked any movie they were interested in watching. 

Then they ruled out half quickly. Meghan hid two behind her back and Tori guess between her right or left hand. 

This was followed by a game of rock, paper, scissors. Whenever someone won the a game they got to choose from the pile of five. After five rounds Tori had three movies and Meghan two so Tori's pile of movies was still in and Meghan's was out.

So it was down to three movies and down to these tie breakers:

Whoever stood the longest and won each round got to keep a movie. 

Finally, I chose a number....
 and the first to guess won as did their movie. 
 Drum roll please...and the winner is:
What A Girl Wants. 

So all of that for a simple movie. The funny thing is, as soon as I got home Meghan and I put in Percy Jackson. I guess Tori actually persuaded us to watch it after all.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!! You girls make everything fun :)
