Thursday, May 24, 2012


Hi All! (or You All Everybody!)

Just a quick- or not so quick- introduction to who I am and what I'm doing here.

 This is me, Hillary. 
The facts: 
I exist to glorify God by enjoying Him forever and displaying that glory to all those around. 
I'm majoring in Digital Media and Animation with a focus in 3D Animation.
I love to read and want to write one day. I especially love fantasy fiction and am trying read more classic lit.
I am a horrible editor (so expect grammatical errors).
I love my big family.
And I love this guy....
 This is David. He's pretty much amazing. David is a film student at the University of Alabama and is VERY talented. 
David loves the Lord, his mom, art, film-making, hiking/backpacking/camping, climbing, reading, and me!
The picture above was taken over a year ago, just a few days before we began dating. 
In February this happened...
In case you can't tell, that's him proposing to me at Lake Santa Fe.  I talk about him A LOT. I just can't help it. He's my best friend and I love, respect and adore him. I can truly say the Lord is faithful to those who wait.

As a frame of reference, here's a quick glance at the names of those who will probably pop up often.
 This is my immediate family at Easter 2012 (obviously the family color was blue).

This is the Vaughn family. My older sister, Bethany, is married to Alex and has two kids, Sterling and Ann Elizabeth. They are also in the process of adopting a little girl or boy from Ethiopia. I am very excited to meet my new niece or nephew. Sterling and AE have already stolen my heart. I can't wait to meet the newest little Vaughn.

These two are numbers 3 and 4. Tori is my younger sister by just over a year. She lives with me and is a fashion major here at school. It's been really nice living with a fashion major and has extended my closet. It's also been cool to see how she stands out among people our age when it comes to dating/singleness. Tori just enjoys life and seeks satisfaction in Christ.
 Jameson, my not-so-little brother, brings up the rear. Jameson just graduated high school (two days ago). That stud is going to Honduras for two months this summer. He really wants to go to Union but I'm trying to persuade him to go to UA and into film since he'd be doing Digital Media anyways. 

And finally, these are my parents, now known as KiKi (Vicki) and KerKer(The Colonel). Enough can't be said about my parents. They raised my siblings and I in a house that feared the Lord and in the discipline of the Lord. Anyone who knows them, knows how wonderful they truly are.

I am glad that I finally have my blog up and running. I was waiting for two things. I wanted to design it and I wanted to get this in....

That's right! For my birthday/Christmas/David I got a Canon T3i! It is wonderful!

I wanted to document the craziness of this year and what the Lord is teaching me as I prepare to graduate and get just 212 days!

Thanks for reading and following along this busy and exciting year!


1 comment:

  1. I like your buttons! You'll have to tell me how you did it. Beautiful new blog, by the way. :)
