Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm back!

I know it's been way too long since I last posted, especially with the time between posts so packed with exciting things.  The week following my last post was spent with Joy Beth, Meghan and Tori. 

We spent a lot of time at Starbucks......

Then David came...

and we went to see The Dark Knight Rises at the midnight premiere...

and then we played Laser Tag! 

Yep, that's right! David and I ROCKED Laser Tag. 

David and I then headed to the mountains to vacay with his family. Last year we went to the beach but this year the summer vacation was in the mountains. It was so beautiful and relaxing.

There was a river behind our cabin and we went tubing on it a couple of times. Between the lazy parts of the river and the mini rapids it was a pretty good balance of relaxing and fun.

We also went on a hike because David loves hiking and the Appalachian Mountains. The hike was only around an hour but that hour was straight up a waterfall. The picture on the right is at the top of the waterfall and the picture on the left is a picture from about halfway up.

School started back the week I got back to Nashville and between school and my last few weeks of work things have been busy. Things haven't lightened up this weekend. Tori's friend from high school, Katherine Zylstra, is moving to Nashville because she got a teaching job. She is moving into our apartment this weekend and right now Tori and I are home for a couple nights in Sylacauga to help my mom and Jameson move his stuff to Jackson, TN where he will be attending Union University. He starts Monday in Jackson and Katherine started Wednesday so I probably wont blog again until next week but be on the look out for some exciting news coming to a place near you (if you happen to live in Alabama, that is).

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