Monday, February 11, 2013


Callum Ormond has been warned.
He has 365 days.
The countdown has begun...
12 books. 12 months.

Hey Guys! I'm going to start a highlighting a book a week (maybe every two weeks) that I have found while selling Usborne. This week's book is a series called Conspiracy 365.

The tagline made me chuckle but I'm in April (book 4) and they are pretty good. It's about a 15-year-old boy, Cal Ormond, who is on the run trying to find out a secret about his family. This secret is one that his father was trying to communicate with him before his death. The story begins on New Years Eve with a warning from a man on the street: "They killed your father. They'll kill you. You must survive the next 365 days." Cal is thrust into the life of a fugitive after being wrongly accused of attempted murder and must find out this family secret to clear his name and keep his family safe.

With a main character who is on the run from two sets of bad guys and the police and with very few allies there is hardly time to catch your breath as Cal is hurdled from one life challenging situation to the next. This book is an excellent one for boys, girls who love adventure and mysteries and for the reluctant reader.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! I'll have to file it away for when James is older. :)
