Thursday, June 28, 2012


What a busy week it's been! My mom came this weekend and we registered at Belk and Williams Sonoma. To see our registry, you just go to the perspective site, go to the Wedding Registry and search by either my name or David's name. Next weekend David and I are going to register at some more places such as Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. 

I brought Mom home and while I'm here, Toris car is in the shop because the air went out. Yesterday we went to our friend's, the McDaniels, house. Bethany's mother-in-law, Mrs. Jane, was at the McDaniel's to make a wreath for the Vaughn's annual Forth of July gathering.
 Here is their super cute, pinteresting wreath:

Here's a quick bit of summertime fun:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Something Yum!

I'm alive, I promise! It's been a busy week. Last week on Tuesday my manager at BN told me that they were allowing people to request shifts that week in order to make hours. I wasn't scheduled to work until Saturday due to school and so requested off on Saturday. On Thursday afternoon after class I headed to Tuscaloosa and surprised David with a milkshake. It was a wonderful weekend. We got to hang out most of the day of Friday and for a few hours on Saturday before the wedding he had to shoot. On Saturday afternoon I headed to Sylacauga to see my dad for Father's Day. I had to be back on Sunday for work at 1 but it was good to be home for a little while. My mom cooked pizza Saturday....

BBQ and Cheese

My mom then taught me how to make one of  David's favorite desserts...
Blueberry Trifle

I want one of these! 

The final product! Hooray!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Little Women

It's time for summer reading at Barnes and Noble and we have tons of kids coming in asking about what books to get from their list. Several books on the lists are books that I have wanted to read at some point but regrettably haven't gotten around to it. The first book I decided to read is Little Women. I already have it and I've wanted to read it for a while. So here's a quote from Little Women.

My dear girls, I am ambitious for you, but not to have you make a dash in the world,- marry rich men merely because they are rich, or have splendid houses, which are not homes, because love is wanting. Money is a needful and precious thing,- and, when used well, a noble thing,- but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. I'd rather you poor men's wives, if you were happy, beloved, contented, than queens on thrones, without self-respect and peace."
"Poor girls don't stand any chance, Belle says, unless they put themselves forward," sighed Meg.
"Then we'll be right old maids," said Jo, stoutly.
"Right, Jo; better be happy old maids than unhappy wives, or unmaidenly girls, running about to find husbands," said Mrs. March, decidedly.