Monday, September 3, 2012


Hello! This is going to be a super short update.

I realize it's been way too long- perhaps a theme of this blog for this busy time. As of two weeks ago, I am officially living in Tuscaloosa. While all of my stuff is still in Nashville (as we figure out an inexpensive way to bring it all back), I am here. Barnes and Noble transferred me here and so in a few minutes I'm heading in for my second shift. The Lord has been good to not only bless me instantly with a job, but it looks like some weeks I'll even have more hours than I had in Brentwood.

Over the past two weeks I have found myself very busy. I'm still in school and have one class that I'll have to travel back to every couple of weeks to turn things in. This is possible because of David. He is allowing me to use his computer- which now has my animation program on it and his car to travel back when I need to. It is so good to be back and involved with Open Door. So far I have not only been able to attend church and Bible Study there again but also help out with a couple of things here and there.

On the wedding front, Lynn and I have been working out and getting in shape. Last week I went to Sylacauga at the beginning of the week and my mom, Bethany and I sat down and planned out decorations for the reception and on Wednesday my mom and I went shopping for some Bridesmaids gifts and the scrapbooking materials needed to make my Wedding Book.

So, there's a quick update on my life, and hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon. I must say, it's pretty fun living in the same town as David again!

Roll Tide.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm back!

I know it's been way too long since I last posted, especially with the time between posts so packed with exciting things.  The week following my last post was spent with Joy Beth, Meghan and Tori. 

We spent a lot of time at Starbucks......

Then David came...

and we went to see The Dark Knight Rises at the midnight premiere...

and then we played Laser Tag! 

Yep, that's right! David and I ROCKED Laser Tag. 

David and I then headed to the mountains to vacay with his family. Last year we went to the beach but this year the summer vacation was in the mountains. It was so beautiful and relaxing.

There was a river behind our cabin and we went tubing on it a couple of times. Between the lazy parts of the river and the mini rapids it was a pretty good balance of relaxing and fun.

We also went on a hike because David loves hiking and the Appalachian Mountains. The hike was only around an hour but that hour was straight up a waterfall. The picture on the right is at the top of the waterfall and the picture on the left is a picture from about halfway up.

School started back the week I got back to Nashville and between school and my last few weeks of work things have been busy. Things haven't lightened up this weekend. Tori's friend from high school, Katherine Zylstra, is moving to Nashville because she got a teaching job. She is moving into our apartment this weekend and right now Tori and I are home for a couple nights in Sylacauga to help my mom and Jameson move his stuff to Jackson, TN where he will be attending Union University. He starts Monday in Jackson and Katherine started Wednesday so I probably wont blog again until next week but be on the look out for some exciting news coming to a place near you (if you happen to live in Alabama, that is).

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Happy Reunitation Day!

Once upon a time two girls met at a camp in the mountains.

These two girls became great friends, so one of the girls called her sister and their roommate and told them to come meet her new friend.

So they did.

And they immediately loved each other. 

Over time they did many fun things together. 

They built some elephants and turtles.

They played poker and had faces.

They dressed up and surprised their mom at work.

They went to midnight premieres....

...and sometimes made t-shirts.

They played games.

 They went to Atlanta....

 ...and ate really good cake.

Admitably, they liked Twilight for a little while.

They went on a few road trips:
and ate lots of Tex-Mex..

 and made some very funny videos not to be seen by public eyes.

 They, perhaps, got pulled over once... 

...and definitely had some crazy hair styles.

 They made predictions in Aliceville.

They did the Newton Shuffle in Newton, MS.

     They did not break into a zoo in Jackson.                   They ended up in East Texas more than once.

 Once, when they went to Texas, they took with them a monkey (they had a monkey, oh they had a monkey).

 They had a monkey and they called him Mr. Orson Brawl.

 They gave him a new home because Mr. Orson Brawl, he loves Rock 'n Roll.

 While in Texas, they met an author....

...and a band...
 (a couple of times).

In Atlanta, became friends with these girls...

and they saw lots of people in costumes. 

Even though these girls lived far apart they still loved each other and got together as often as they could. When they were together, fun and crazy things happened. Over time they made many fun memories and have learned that you never what's going to happen when there's a reunitation.

Happy Reunitation Day!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


What a busy week it's been! My mom came this weekend and we registered at Belk and Williams Sonoma. To see our registry, you just go to the perspective site, go to the Wedding Registry and search by either my name or David's name. Next weekend David and I are going to register at some more places such as Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. 

I brought Mom home and while I'm here, Toris car is in the shop because the air went out. Yesterday we went to our friend's, the McDaniels, house. Bethany's mother-in-law, Mrs. Jane, was at the McDaniel's to make a wreath for the Vaughn's annual Forth of July gathering.
 Here is their super cute, pinteresting wreath:

Here's a quick bit of summertime fun:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Something Yum!

I'm alive, I promise! It's been a busy week. Last week on Tuesday my manager at BN told me that they were allowing people to request shifts that week in order to make hours. I wasn't scheduled to work until Saturday due to school and so requested off on Saturday. On Thursday afternoon after class I headed to Tuscaloosa and surprised David with a milkshake. It was a wonderful weekend. We got to hang out most of the day of Friday and for a few hours on Saturday before the wedding he had to shoot. On Saturday afternoon I headed to Sylacauga to see my dad for Father's Day. I had to be back on Sunday for work at 1 but it was good to be home for a little while. My mom cooked pizza Saturday....

BBQ and Cheese

My mom then taught me how to make one of  David's favorite desserts...
Blueberry Trifle

I want one of these! 

The final product! Hooray!